Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Sunny days that reach the temperature of 50 degrees are perfect days for fleas to pop out of their eggs and pupae shells.  If you had fleas at any point last year, I urge you to be diligent about flea control even through this winter season.  These beautiful warmish sunny days in our green valley allow flea eggs and larvae to hatch.  Remember to talk with your vet about the products that are available in both topical and pill forms and use them monthly.  Skipping a month will be a big mistake this season.  We are still seeing pets with fleas in the shop.  Note that many of the products over the counter are heavy laden with chemicals that can hurt both you and your pet.  Flea collars only keep fleas off of your dogs head and they smell awful when you love on your pooch.  If you haven't bombed your home, it might pay off to do so after one of these sunny days.   Please use bombs carefully and follow the directions.  If you see your pooch or kitty scratching, a good bath is in order.  Use a specifically formulated shampoo that is both gentle and natural for flea control.  We carry a couple of the flea products that we use at the shop which are safe and natural flea deterrents.
This may also be a good time to lay down some diatomaceous earth (DE) around the house and yard, especially the places that pets hangs out the most.  We carry DE at the shop in both 2 lb and 50 lb bags.
Happy New Year and may we see fewer fleas in this year.